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Students reject increase in UAdeC admission exam, “but there is no other way”, they say

The foregoing, after it was announced that the cost for the UAdeC exam sheet will go from 650 to 800 pesos this January for Baccalaureate and Bachelor applicants

Saltillo, Coahuila.- Dozens of students and parents demonstrated through social media, rejecting the increase in entrance exam for the UADECand some of them threatened to demonstrate in the streets.

The foregoing, after making it known that the cost for the UAdeC exam sheet will go from 650 to 800 pesos this January, for applicants for Baccalaureate and Licentiate who wish to enter the highest house of studies in the semester August-December 2023.

“Great looting at the University and they say that the federation does not send resources… even so, there are those who believe this”commented Rubén Obregón at the bottom of the news, while dozens of users assured that “What is collected is money that goes to the campaigns of the PRI.

Some students pointed out that the costs are getting higher, forcing them to look for jobs that allow them to contribute to the expenses of their home and education.

IT MAY INTEREST YOU: The cost of the UAdeC admission exam goes up 25 percent: it goes from 650 to 800 pesos

For their part, some students pointed out that the costs are increasingly higher, forcing them to look for jobs that allow them to contribute to the expenses of their home and education.

“No way, let’s work, because it’s not cool to burden the bosses with everything”commented Orlando referring to his parents.

Parents of the applicants for high school indicated that, although they did not know how much had risen, it seemed like a quota “very expensive”since in some families with incomes of between 1,200 and 1,600 pesos per fortnight, this represents half of their salaries.

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