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Study: Drinking a glass of wine a day has no health benefits

For many years, the rumor circulated that an average glass of wine every day could have health benefits. However, for those who love to have a glass of drink at the end of the day, the excuse fell apart with a study published in the journal academic medicine JAMA Network.

According to the review made by scientists, alcohol consumption does not bring any benefit. In fact, it’s the opposite: in medium or high volume, the drink can even harm health, opening gaps for diseases, especially cardiovascular and neurological diseases.

The survey revealed that no health benefits were found for those who drink occasionally or in small daily amounts when compared to non-drinkers. Those who drink alcohol socially, however, can see the glass as half full: although low consumption does not bring benefits, it also does not seem to be significantly associated with poor health.

To reach this conclusion, researchers from the universities of Victoria, Canada, and Portsmouth, UK, compared 107 studies carried out on the subject since the 1980s. This review allowed them to analyze the clinical histories of more than 4.8 millions of people around the world, from alcoholics to individuals who have never had alcohol.

More drink, more risk

What the research reveals is that people who consume up to 23 grams of alcohol daily, which would be equivalent to two glasses of wine or two cans of beer, already have a higher rate of mortality from disease than that of individuals who do not drink.

The research points out, however, that those who drink less than this level have a small increase in the chances of dying sooner, with high risk rates between 2% and 4% – the percentage is so low that it is not considered significant.

Anyone who exceeds this level faces more serious consequences. The worst case scenario is people under the age of 56 who regularly consume more than 65g of alcohol, i.e. six cans of beer or an entire bottle of wine. In this case, the chances of dying sooner than a teetotaler rise to 38%.

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worse for them

The news is worse for women, as the study showed that regular consumption of large amounts of alcohol is more dangerous for them. While men only overcome the 30% risk of early death when they reach doses greater than 65 g of alcohol, the level considered extremely high in the study, among them, the rate is already reached with 45 g.

In the case of women who reach the extremely high level, the chances of dying prematurely increase by 61%. When in doubt, the maxim that has been repeated so many times remains valid: if you are going to drink, do it in moderation.

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