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Study evaluates male genitalia: “less ugly” | metropolises

Can ugly exist without beautiful? For a group of German scientists, when it comes to the scrotum, the answer is yes. Their research work showed that most men score -0.7 out of 3 when it comes to the beauty of this body part. That is, the most you can wish for is to have a less ugly scrotum.

Doctors and aesthetic experts at the University of Hamburg asked 653 volunteers to evaluate 36 photos of different scrotums. The research was done by dividing the group between 374 women and 279 men, they should give grades between – 3 (“extremely ugly”) and 3 (“very beautiful”). In the case of female evaluators, none of the scores exceeded zero. When the assessments were made by men, the maximum score assigned was 0.18.

“Other research has shown that the size of the penis is a determining factor in assessing its beauty, but this is not the case with the scrotum. We believe that this is the result of the fact that the scrotum is not as important for women as the penis,” says the study published in Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology last April.

The scientists themselves, however, assume that the research methodology may have contributed to the bad grades, since there was not much diversity in the shapes, colors and sizes of the scrotums that were shown.

“We decided that we would leave everything in a normal range of proportions. If we had edited the images so that the scrotums looked different, much bigger, smaller or very bulky, perhaps this would have shown stronger preferences.”

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