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Study finds that the most loyal employees are the main victims of labor exploitation

Fidelity to work during working hours tends to be a characteristic positive in any employee worldwide. Being always available for any activity is seen as an element to highlight among the human resources of a company.

However, a recent study has found that employers, supervisors or managers do not know how to take advantage of this. This type of employee, vital in the development of an economic activity, registers the highest probability of being victims of labor exploitation.

That is, according to the study, They are the first to be assigned the largest number of activities without receiving additional remuneration. Research points out that managers take advantage of executing increased workloads on these employees without rewarding them for their fidelity or loyalty.

Are the managers who do this type of practice villains? Nothing to see. According to the study carried out by Matthew Stanley, researcher postdoctoral fellow at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, in the United Statesbosses fall into this situation unconsciously.

Because the employee is always available, the supervisor or manager puts more work on him without realizing that he is being overloaded.

“Companies want loyal workers, and there is a ton of research showing that loyal workers bring all kinds of positive benefits to companies. But it seems that managers tend to point them out as the target of exploitative practices, ”says the study that cites Science Alert.

“It is a vicious circle. Loyal workers tend to be singled out for exploitation. And then when they do something that exploits them, they end up enhancing their reputation as loyal workers, making them more likely to be chosen in the future.”

For this study, the experts recruited 1,400 managers and asked them to delegate tasks to different types of worker profiles. Loyal employees unconsciously received more activities.

In the investigation it is said that the managers never showed that they wanted to be bad. “However, they transgress with surprising frequency in their daily lives. Much of this is due to ethical blindness, where people do not see how what they are doing is inconsistent with the principles or values ​​they tend to profess,” they pointed out.

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