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Study: Jupiter had rings and was a moon killer in the formation of the Solar System

The POT it could spend decades developing shields to protect us from an asteroid hitting Earth, extinguishing life as we know it. But it will never be able to match the perfection of nature that it gave us with Jupiter.

The gas giant of the Solar System stops any threat that tries to approach Earth, while it moves through the vicinity of the asteroid belt. Its size and composition make Jupiter responsible for keeping us alive.

However it was not always so. According to what reflects a scientific study on the origins of the Solar System, Jupiter was a killer of any moon that landed in its vicinity.. It seems illogical, because it is the planet with the largest number of natural satellites.

But there was a time, according to this study, whoever got close to the giant had a hard time to the point of disappearance.

Jupiter: The Moon Killer

The theory says that we come from dust. A cloud with gas and energy was the maker of the massive star that we see every morning. Then begins the birth of the worlds that are divided between rocky, in the inner part of the orbit and the gaseous ones that go outside.

Based on these data, Jupiter as a gas giant had an enormous gravitational force; greater than the current one, in the first million years, in its formation. That because it was closer to the Sun and finishing the end of its conformation.

Then, any celestial body that was located in its surroundings ended up being consumed. That same destruction of moons caused Jupiter’s rings to disappear until what we see today.

It is said that Jupiter devoured moons the size of Io and Europa. These would have been saved because their formation was in the most distant parts of the gas giant and over time they they were getting closer.

Jupiter officially has 92 discovered moons; the body with the most natural satellites in the entire Solar System. Who would have thought that before I couldn’t even see them up close.

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