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Study reveals how technology can help entrepreneurs solve collections

  • In 2021, 582 million new traders were registered across the planet.

  • In 2019, 252 million women entrepreneurs were reported worldwide.

  • In Mexico, there are around 4.4 million micro, small and medium-sized companies.

Technology has undoubtedly come to change the life of the human being and facilitate many activities. In this context, a study revealed how these technological tools can help entrepreneurs solve collections.

In recent years, the words entrepreneurship and entrepreneur have been widely used throughout the world, where the figures that accompany it worldwide are very interesting. That is, it is estimated that only two out of 10 entrepreneurs manage to be successful with a venture.

According to data from Markinblog, there are 582 million new traders from all over the planet. According to data from the World Bank and its Ease of Doing Business Index, New Zealand ranks as the number of countries to create new ventures, followed by Singapore, Hong Kong, Denmark and South Korea.

For its part, in Mexico, there are around 4.4 million micro, small and medium-sized companies, according to the latest data from the Study on the Demography of Business carried out by the (National Institute of Statistics and Geography) Inegi.

technology and entrepreneurs

An investigation by Flexio indicates that there are currently many entrepreneurs who still prefer to use cash as a means of collection, since one of the main reasons is the inconvenience of using their mobile devices to manage their finances due to the risks related to the cloning of cards, lack of privacy, incorrect number entry, and lack of confidence in transaction completion and payment verification.

In this sense, they emphasize that technology is the best way to efficiently manage accounts receivable and maintain healthy finances.

Therefore, by using applications such as WhatsApp for Business,, Quickbooks, Mercado Pago, Quick Book, among others, entrepreneurs not only manage a flow of earnings in cash, but also electronically.

“Technology is inclusive because it allows barriers to be broken and can help to overcome some problems that currently prevent them from growing,” says Nathan Schorr, CEO of Flexio, in the research.

Likewise, other investigations highlight that technology not only helps entrepreneurs or small businesses in collection, since all the professionals who work in the area of ​​credit and collection agree that we are experiencing something unprecedented with these tools.

In this scenario, financial institutions have been forced to redefine the components of their collection operating models, with the aim of increasing the level of recovery and reducing costs.

Therefore, it is argued that all companies in the financial sector must redesign their processes and implement models that allow them to manage and develop infrastructures with a vision of resilience, guaranteeing the appropriate digital platforms to maintain the company’s functions and essential communications.

In conclusion, technology has not only arrived to improve these areas, because currently, thanks to digitization, there are many benefits it brings to humanity.

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