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Study suggests how exercise should be combined to reduce cancer mortality

Study suggests how exercise should be combined to reduce cancer mortality

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The group that practiced more than 0 to 75 minutes of aerobic activity combined with more than 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise and at least two weekly muscle-strengthening sessions had significantly reduced overall mortality.

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Regarding CVD and cancer mortality, the optimal combinations were: 150 to 225 minutes of moderate aerobic activitymore than 0 to 75 minutes of vigorous activity and at least two weekly muscle toning sessions.

It is important to have good habits when exercising.

These regimens resulted in a mortality reduction of approximately 50% in general cases and cancer and up to 70% in cases of cardiovascular diseases.

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From an initial sample of 646,201 participants, the study it excluded those with chronic illnesses and those without sufficient data on their physical activity. Finally, a final sample of 500,705 adults was reached.

These findings highlight the importance of properly combining exercise routines to maximize health benefits.

In conclusion, Exercise not only plays a fundamental role in our general health, rather, practiced properly, it can be a powerful tool in reducing mortality from some of the deadliest diseases we face today.

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