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Stylist Lila Bentouati sublimates the traditional Algerian outfit during a fashion show in New York

The traditional Algerian dress always seduces. Indeed, on many occasions, celebrities and international stars wear Algerian outfits to distinguish themselves at renowned events. Thus giving Algerian stylists and fashion designers the opportunity to draw inspiration from its traditional outfits to create unique and trendy collections.

Moreover, the prestigious magazine Forbes recently highlighted the Algerian Karakou by interviewing the Franco-Algerian designer and stylist, Eddine Belmehdi, on the origins and history of this garment which has so appealed to Algerian women. Even more, the Arab World Institute also honored traditional Algerian styling during a fashion show previously organized at its premises.

The traditional Algerian dress highlighted during a parade in New York

During a first Algerian-American fashion show organized on April 23 at the Astoria World Manor in New York, the Algerian stylist and fashion designer Lila Bentouati sublimated the traditional Algerian dress by exhibiting her 2023 collection.

Lila Bentouati’s 2023 collection exhibited at a fashion show in New York

Stylist and owner of BrodPerle, Lila Bentouati presented a collection that highlights the diversity of Algerian outfits. This fashion show was an opportunity to discover magnificent outfits, each time with a touch of modernity that sets them apart.

The 2023 collection of this talented designer is inspired by the traditional Algerian outfit, but which presents, each time, a touch of modernity which distinguishes the different creations from each other. Like the Algerian Karakou, which we discover with several variations. In particular, with a high-cut skirt or modern pants.

This Algerian-American event also saw the participation of Algerian artists, Abdelkader Chaou, Hakim Salhi and Abdallah Kourde.


>> Karakou: Forbes puts Algerian clothing in the spotlight
>> Cultural heritage: 2 traditional Algerian outfits soon to be registered with UNESCO?

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