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Subject poses as a customer before terrorizing a warehouse worker to steal

Subject poses as a customer before terrorizing a warehouse worker to steal

A masked subject, who posed as a customer of a bodega in Philadelphia, carried out a robbery, terrorizing the employee on duty.

The incident took place on June 29 at 12:30 pm at Deb Deli and Grocery located in the 6572 block of Lansdowne Avenue.

The individual, as can be seen on the surveillance cameras, enters the establishment looking at his cell phone. Lucia, at the time of the incident, was wearing a brown hoodie, as well as a black mask.

A person was completing his transaction with the cashier and just as he leaves the store, the suspect begins to request items near the cash register and introduced a firearm through the plastic cover that divides the employee from the customers.

The employee is seen in the video scared and raising her hands, but the individual managed to enter the worker’s space and carry the money from the cash register before fleeing on foot. Nobody was hurt in the incident.

Philadelphia Police released the footage in case anyone can identify the suspect. look at them carefully here.

Anyone who recognizes the suspected armed robber or has additional details can contact 215-686-TIPS (8477).

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