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Subtle: UK Government recalled that they can go to prison if they protest against the monarchy

Something like that, very subtle, almost like a kind reminder. As you know, we are a few days away from the coronation of King Carlos III in the United Kingdom, the last protocol to start the reign now.

And now that we’re just around the corner, it turns out that the Home Office’s Police Powers unit sent warning letters to those who demonstrate against the monarchy to remind them that now they can go to prison for it.

Photo: BBC

The warning in the United Kingdom for those who protest against the monarchy

The Guardian documented warning letters that were sent from the government to anti-monarchy groups of people.

This is a reminder that a few days ago King Carlos III approved a law so that protesters who block highways, airports or railways could spend up to 12 months in prison.

In the same way, those who block objects or buildings will go to prison for at least 6 months, with their respective fine. By the way, if the police suspects that protesters can provoke the case, they can stop and search them.

Foto: Getty Images

Of course, the ministry clarifies that these laws were not created for the king’s coronation but that their publication at this time is a mere coincidence.

Of course, the letters were taken as intimidating acts that want to avoid demonstrations for the big day at all costs. And it is that for several days the Republic collective has been planning protests on the mere day of the coronation under the slogan “He is not my King”.

What was the new law passed? This is the Law on Public Order that has already been criticized even by the UN Human Rights unit.

They claim that this is inconsistent with international human rights obligations. Specifically against the rights of individuals to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association.

This new law imposes serious and unjustified restrictions on these rights that are neither necessary nor proportionate to achieve their legitimate purpose as established in international law.reads in the announcement.

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