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Subway workers threaten to paralyze all lines if the discounted sums are not returned

The Trade Union Association of Subway and Premetro Workers (Agtsyp-Metrodelegadxs) He announced that if the concessionary company does not return the sums deducted from the workers’ salaries for the days of unemployment until tomorrow, next Monday they will resume force measures that “they will affect the service of the six lines of the Subway and the Premetro”.

According telamfrom Eight juice They stated: “The workers will continue with the fight plan, carrying out this coming Monday 15 measures of force that will affect and paralyze the six subway lines and the Premetro if the company does not return the illegally deducted wages by this Friday the 12th.”

The conflict has been going on for several weeks now, given that The union of metro delegates demands that the company reduce the working day to minimize the exposure of workers and users to asbestos.

In that sense, from the Eight juice They indicated: “We demand the comprehensive de-abestization of the network and the reduction of the working day. Not only does it not respond, but they are advancing with threats of unjustified sanctions and illegal discounts of hundreds of days of salary on hundreds of workers. In addition, it has been failing to comply with the opening of the joint discussion expired since February 28”.

They even described the attitudes as “extortionist and mafioso”, and pointed out that the company “seeks to intimidate the workers” so that they stop denouncing “the health crisis in the subway, which has already caused deaths and injuries among workers and users of the subway “.

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