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Successful participant from Braz at the Kids Indoor National Tennis Championships


The Kids Indoor National Championship 2023 was recently successfully held in the Götzis tennis hall. The two organizers Thomas Siegele and Manuel Hammerle provided exciting games with many helping hands on two days,

A total of 45 girls and boys aged up to and including ten years were at the start. In the competitions U8 mixed / U9 boys and girls / U10 boys and girls / double mixed, the youngest national champions were sought and found.

Successful competitor from Braz

Unfortunately was from UTC-Braz only Aaron Siegle reported, but he was at the start in singles and doubles. After the group games in singles he had to admit defeat to the future national champion Fabio Türtscher and finished third. With his doubles partner Jakob Simma from TC Bludenz, he reached the semifinals and also finished third there. As always, all information is available at

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