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Succession: battle with tribal reflexes

The head of the Governor’s Office, Adán Augusto López, has been repeating a message for several days: “these are times to accompany, there will be times to consolidate” with which he calls the pot of tamales in Morena for unity, for unity.

The certainties of Palacio face the centrifugal reflexes of the tribes that melted the PRD and regrouped around him President López Obrador by bringing together the most dissimilar forces in the pot of tamales in Morena and that, until now, had kept more or less tamed.

There is no doubt that the ambitions unleashed by the succession, the lawsuits tolerated and even encouraged, and the proximity of the disclosure already caused the frenzy of the tribes and perhaps the “big words” must be hastened to pacify them.

Opposition: its times are different from those of Morena

As the time for the Official Party to be uncovered approaches, the pressure from the red circle increases so that the Opposition Alliance rushes to nominate whoever they want to grant the presidential candidacy.

The opposition leaders, for being what they are, seem to resist the pressures of critics of Lopezobradorism to rush their nominations and programs and will only act when they are sure of the ground they are on.

They are prepared against traps and traps with honey, because before the strength of the Executive, prudent, they do not want to suffer the punishment of the proverb: “if the pitcher hits the stone, bad for the pitcher; and if the stone hits the pitcher, bad for the pitcher”. What need?

National Guard: police training

A few days ago, in Nogales, Sonora, the National Guard was entrusted with transporting a shipment of cigarettes confiscated from smugglers, and in an action that is still confused, organized crime groups took them from them.

It is the problem that Sedena uses the national guards as simple auxiliary troops without taking care of training them for the police responsibilities that the law grants them.

Someone, before the six-year term ends, would have to make more effective use for national security of more than 120,000 members of the National Guard, the great six-year project for security that they did not know how to land.


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