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Sudan thanks Egypt for welcoming its citizens fleeing the conflict

Cairo, 2 May. The envoy of the president of the Sudanese Sovereign Council, Dafa Allah al Haj Ali, today thanked Egypt for welcoming the Sudanese who fled the fighting that began on April 15, during his meeting in Cairo on Tuesday with the Egyptian Foreign Minister , Sameh Shukri.

Al Haj conveyed on behalf of the Sovereign Council Chairman, Abdelfatah al Burhan, a message of gratitude for “Egypt’s reception of the Sudanese citizens who have fled the war” and also reported on the evolution of the situation in Sudan in light of the Current military operations between the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces (FAR) paramilitary group, according to a statement from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.

In response, Shukri said that there are instructions from Egyptian President Abdelfatah al Sisi to “provide the greatest possible care and hospitality to the Sudanese brothers.”

Egypt yesterday raised its estimates from 16,000 to 40,000 Sudanese who have crossed into its territory through border crossings.

Shukri conveyed Egypt’s “extreme concern” over the continuation of this situation in the neighboring country and asserted that Egypt “will never spare efforts to help our brothers in Sudan so that they can overcome this problem,” the statement said.

The head of Egyptian diplomacy reiterated during the meeting that Egypt continues to call for “an immediate ceasefire to protect the Sudanese people from bloodshed,” also stressing the importance of the commitment of all parties to strengthen the truce and not violate it for enable humanitarian relief processes.

He also assured that Egypt is interested in treating the current crisis in Sudan as an “internal matter”, as well as the need for no party to intervene “in the crisis in a way that leads to worsening the conflict and more bloodshed.”

The UN estimates that up to 800,000 Sudanese civilians may flee their country and seek protection in a neighbor in the coming weeks, as Sudan plunges into a new armed conflict that in two weeks has already forced more than 100,000 people to flee for save the life.

Chad and Egypt are the countries where the most Sudanese refugees, particularly women and children, are arriving; but they are also fleeing to the Central African Republic, Ethiopia and South Sudan.

In the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, where warnings about the deterioration of the humanitarian and health situation are also multiplying, clashes continued today during the second day of a new truce, the third in a row for 72 hours. EFE


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