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Suddenly the project name “MK ULTRA” is mentioned: Was John Lennon’s killer manipulated by a CIA psychologist?

Crazy conspiracy theory or is there actually something to it?

Music legend John Lennon has died at the age of 40. The Beatles singer was shot in the back several times in New York by mentally disturbed perpetrator Mark Chapman – allegedly. Because now a new documentary raises questions: Is the perpetrator possibly a completely different one? And: Has Chapman been manipulated into a scapegoat?

The documentary by author and television producer David Whelan (56), from which the “Dailymail” reports, could hardly be more exciting. The filmmaker investigated the death of the former music star for three years and found some inconsistencies.

Read with BILDplus what role a hypnosis expert with connections to the CIA plays and why Chapman might not have killed Lennon at all.

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