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‘Summer Rising’ program for students begins

'Summer Rising' program for students begins

Today, Tuesday, thousands of students from public schools in the city returned to schools to participate in the free school program known as “Summer Rising,” which combines classroom learning with summer recreational activities.

Students will have access to academic and enrichment programs throughout the day, including field trips, arts activities, and outdoor recreation.

Programs will be planned and operated collaboratively by school principals and community-based organizations (CBOs). Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be served.

The program was launched in 2021 during the municipal government of Bill de Blasio.

The original purpose of the program was to supplement student preparation due to the learning impairments caused by the pandemic.

There were fears that there would not be enough funding for the program this year due to several planned cuts to the municipal budget, but in the end only enough was allocated.

This year, 138,000 students applied for the 100,000 available spots. Registration was open to students from kindergarten to eighth grade.

Watch the video with Anny Ruiz Huayamabe’s report from Inwood.


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