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Sunniva (7) received a storm of complaints after her luggage was wrinkled

Seven-year-old Sunniva Stavseth Schøning from Bodø has a mobile phone which she uses to communicate with her parents.

Suddenly, she was called by many strangers just before Christmas. Her parents were shocked, as their daughter has a phone plan that protects against telemarketers.

– Then we checked the answering machine. Then there were more people talking about luggage, says Sunniva’s father, Tor Einar Schøning.

It was iFinnmark who first mentioned the matter.

– Was confused

Eventually more calls came, and also voice messages on the seven-year-old’s answering machine.

– Then we realized that there were several different people from around the country who called, says dad Schøning.

Finally they had to call one of the numbers back to find out what it was all about.

They then received an answer that the person in question had been on a trip to Alta and that she called about her luggage. She explained that she had been forwarded to their number after dialing the number three from the menu.

– They were confused themselves. Several of them had called several times, and they did not know that they had arrived in error, says Schøning.

Sunniva’s parents thought it must all be a mistake on a forwarding link, and therefore contacted Avinor.

Made a mistake

Airport manager at Alta Airport, Jens-Martin Nerdal, says that the wrong number has been entered on their switchboard.

– When you call in, you can choose different key options. On key selection three, the wrong telephone number was entered, and it was the number of the seven-year-old who could not do much with the luggage, Nerdal tells TV 2.

– It was good that it was reported, because then we can correct it.

The phone number of the seven-year-old girl, and the number that should actually have been entered on the switchboard, are very different.

– I cannot answer why it has gone wrong. But they probably looked at the wrong number and entered it.

The IT department has checked the error, and the number should now be in order, according to Nerdal.

Schøning confirms to TV 2 that they have not received any more calls on their daughter’s phone.

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