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Sunscreen helps prevent much more than skin cancer

Sunscreen helps prevent much more than skin cancer

There are a large number of sunscreen options and it is important to know which one really protects.

“If we go out into the sun, our skin gets toasted. It’s like putting a tortilla on the griddle, for example, that’s what happens to our skin in the sun,” says beautician Iris Oliveira. Therefore the importance of using sunscreen daily regardless of age.

“We need to protect ourselves from ultraviolet rays. The sunscreen we recommend is above 50, SPS 50,” adds Olivera. Although it may seem easy, with all the variety and choice of brands on the market, selecting one can be overwhelming.

“The top-rated sunscreens in our tests contain active chemical ingredients. In our tests over the years we found that mineral sunscreens don’t protect as well,” says Elmer Guardado, spokesperson for Consumer Reports.

  • So before only selecting a producer for its price or brand, it is important to review its content and find that it is of
  • broad spectrum: protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays
  • SPF 15: daily use
  • SPF 30 or higher: extended periods outdoors
  • waterproof

“The little wrinkles, the spots, that come throughout life are what we want to avoid apart from cancer,” explains Olivera.

If you are going to be in the pool or on the beach, it is recommended to apply it every two hours and after swimming, as well as putting on hats, sunglasses and drinking water.

Consumer Reports recommend using aerosol sunscreen as a last resort and more in children, since when inhaled it could cause lung irritation.

So remember, before leaving home, don’t forget to put on your sunscreen, both for you and your family.

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