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Super Mario Bros | Film gets release date on digital platforms

It won’t be long before you can watch Super Mario Bros – The Movie from the comfort of your home. Amazon has confirmed that the most successful animation of 2023 arrives at the Prime Video store from May 25th – which means that it will be possible to see and review the adventures of the Nintendo mascot on your TV as many times as you want.

As usual, the film arrives on the platform only with a rental option. The value was not disclosed by the company, but it is possible to use other titles as a parameter to get an idea. Scream 6 has just been added to the Prime store with the label “Direto do Cinema” and can be rented for R$29.90. Thus, everything leads to believe that Mario and Luigi’s adventure through the Mushroom Kingdom will have a similar pricing.

It is worth noting that we are not talking about streaming Prime Video, which every subscriber to the service has access to. In this case, the lease has a separate charge.

It is also possible that other stores receive Super Mario Bros – The Movie on the same date. This would include Google Play Store, Apple TV and Microsoft Store, for example. However, so far, Universal Pictures has not detailed whether this will actually happen.

In any case, the arrival of the film to digital stores is already a huge cause for celebration for fans, who will be able to watch the film in the comfort of their homes and pause freely to hunt down each of the dozens of references hidden throughout the entire adventure. . Not to mention that it is also the opportunity for many people to check out the plot with the original dubbing, since most Brazilian cities only received dubbed copies.

Success of Super Mario Bros – The Movie

With over $1.16 billion raised worldwide, Super Mario Bros – The Movie it is already the highest grossing of 2023 to date. And this success is also repeated in Brazil. According to data from the National Film Agency (Ancine), Mario’s adventure is the most watched film in the country, with more than 5.3 million spectators since its debut — which earned it a total of R$ 18 million in tickets sold so far.

And all this thanks to a simple story that bets on the charisma of its characters and on the audience’s attachment to this whole universe. With much respect for everything Nintendo has done in video games, the film plays with nostalgia and recreates the entire gaming experience.

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