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Super Mario Bros film: theatrical release in Germany postponed

Anyone who is already looking forward to the new Super Mario Bros film needs a little more patience in Germany.

If it was previously advertised that the film should be in German cinemas on March 23, 2023, the start has now been delayed.

When does the Super Mario Bros movie start?

According to the current status, the film will be released in cinemas two weeks later than originally planned.

The new start date for Germany is now April 6, 2023, which has already been adjusted on the official Universal website.

more on the subject

Cinemas are also already listing the film for this day and the trailer also mentions the new date in the description.

It is not known why it is taking longer. However, given that the film will premiere in the US on April 7, 2023, it comes as no surprise that the local theatrical release has been pushed back a bit.

And like two weeks you can still get around if you wait for it. Maybe watch the old Mario Bros movie again? Or not.

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