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Super Mario Bros. The Movie: This cosplay shows Princess Peach in the Mushroom Kingdom armor

The great protagonist of Super Mario Bros. The Movie is the legendary Nintendo plumber, but after several days in theaters, everyone is talking about princess peachinspiration for a spectacular cosplay It has gone viral on the Internet and social networks.

Mario’s tape has been a week since it was released and its success is resounding for the audience, with a 96% approval of the viewers in Rotten Tomatoes. Yes, critics barely give it a 58 percent, but the pulse between experts and fans seems to be a trend lately.

In a good part of the plot is Peach, who everyone talks about because of the song “Peaches” by Jack Black and who puts her voice to sing it. It is a romantic piece in which the King of the Koopas tries to show Peach that he loves her and that he wants her by her side no matter what.

Espectacular cosplay de Knight Peach

According to a report published on the website of Spaghetti Codethe canadian model Kinpatsu Cosplaywith more than 440 thousand followers on Instagram, shared in a post a photo session with his cosplay of Princess Peach, wearing the armor of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Knight Peach. It’s Mario Movie Day! I’m going to see it tonight and I’m very excited. So here’s a throwback to the costume I made a few years ago.”, Kinpatsu wrote in the caption of the publication, which he showed during the premiere of Super Mario Bros. The Movie.

As we can see in the images, the physical resemblance between the content creator and Peach is absolute, with her blonde hair, blue eyes and even makeup. But the most impressive thing about the cosplay is the armor, which he compares to a drawing in the last image of the post.

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