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Super Mario Bros. The Movie: This is why Lumalee has a disturbing personality

One week after the premiere of Super Mario Bros. The Moviesome Nintendo fans and those who went to see this animated film are wondering why Lumalee has that peculiar and disturbing personality. Here we tell the reason.

The adorable creature appeared in the final trailer for the Illumination feature film, which begins with Luigi and other characters like Lumalee being captured in the Lava Kingdom dungeon and he exclaims: “Fresh meat for the grill.

Flash is in a cage along with King Penguin in Bowser’s castle and from where he tells Mario’s brother that The only way you can escape from the place is through the “sweet relief from death”a statement that scared the fearful Luigi.

Clearly, Lumalee doesn’t stop wishing for death or talking about it during Super Mario Bros. The Movie, but there’s an original reason why this little creature has this disturbing personality.

The origin of Lumalee

As he recalls a report published on the website of Hobby Consolesin Super Mario Galaxy it is explained that The Lumas are beings that wish to be superfed so that they eventually explode and become planets or they happily sacrifice themselves to save galaxies.

This is why it is natural for Lumalee to “want to die”, following the parameters that dictate the reason why it exists. It makes sense originally and that’s how the movie conveys it.

Super Mario Bros. The Movie has been a week since it was released and its success is resounding for the audience, with a 96% approval of the viewers in Rotten Tomatoes. Yes, critics barely give it a 57 percent, but the pulse between experts and fans seems to be a trend lately.

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