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Super Scholarships and loans for our youth: Manolo

  • On a tour of the coal mining and southeastern regions, he presented concrete proposals for the educational, social and economic development of young people.

Saltillo Coahuila; May 04, 2023.- Because young people are the present and future of Coahuila, the candidate for governor of the Citizens’ Alliance for Security, Manolo Jiménez Salinas, announced in Saltillo that he has planned various programs to promote their development, such as super scholarships and credits for your business.

The PRI-PAN-PRD coalition candidate has listened to the ideas and needs that young people present to him and, in turn, responds with concrete proposals to help them crystallize the businesses and companies they have in mind.

“You young people are a priority for me, I know how much you want to get ahead and have a prosperous future,” he told them, adding “that is why we are going to support you through the Entrepreneurship Network with financial support and training for new business”.

Likewise, and to promote that young people from Coahuila have better jobs and well-paid salaries, it has planned to promote the creation and development of the so-called careers of the future, in higher education institutions located in the state.

“In addition, we will continue to strengthen the attraction of investments and we will promote the careers of the future in robotics, artificial intelligence and security so that they also have better jobs, because the way you grow, all of Coahuila will grow and thus we will strengthen our present and future.

To all this we must add the Youth Super Scholarships program contained in their Agenda to Improve the Quality of Life, which they will offer as support and encouragement to student, social, sports, cultural and academic leaders so that they can access congresses and events where they could find the opportunity of a lifetime.

Finally, he stressed that our state is great because of its youth, and that with the support and vote of the new generations, he will be able to take Coahuila forward, to the next level.

In Saltillo, in a meeting with militants from the 13th district, accompanied by the candidate for local deputy, Luz Elena Morales Núñez, he stressed that programs and projects will be promoted hand in hand with the Local Congress to empower the talent of youth.

Similarly, in the municipality of San Juan de Sabinas, Jiménez Salinas held a meeting with businessmen, merchants and representatives of the Private Initiative to jointly carry out actions that promote economic development and entrepreneurship for young people. .

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