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Superman: 7 fumetti caps to celebrate the 85th anniversary

Clark Kent is 85 years old and a fan of the famous superhero I can’t be enthusiastic about. To celebrate the important anniversary, Panini Comics proposes a selection of 7 fumetti dedicated to Superman e alle sue impresa. Thanks to these volumi sarà possibile scoprire the origin of the character, repeating his story from him starting dagli anni ’30, ma anche adentrarsi

I smoke Panini Comics that celebrate the 85th anniversary of Superman

Photo: ©Panini Comics

The big book of Superman

Photo: ©Panini Comics

The first proposal that we selected for you is The big book of Superman, an unmissable anthology for all and fans of the Accidental User who will not know his editorial story in all his dream. This volume raccoglies the adventures that have followed the evolution of the personage in the corso degli anni, from the 1938 finale to the rinascita of 2016. ‘Uomo del Domani, with John Byrne, Frank Miller, Grant Morrison, Alex Ross and David Goyer.

Il prezzo di copertina del volume è di 25,00 euro per ben 384 pagina tutte da scoprire. The opera is sealed in carton, with colored interiors in the 18.3×27.7 cm format.


Superman: Stagioni

Photo: ©Panini Comics

Passiamo ora alla seconda proposta con il libro Superman: Stagioni. This tells the story of Clark Kent, a young man growing up in a Kansas city who must stop managing his extraordinary powers, and is written by the famous creative team of Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb. If it is about a volume that brings to the writer an emotional and adult relationship with the transformation of Superman from the campaign trail to the Earth. The story explores the figure of Superman with realism, showing that he is not alone and his power could transform him into a hero, but his humanity and his rapport with i fondamental people of his life, like Lex Luthor, Lana Lang and his family adoptiva, i Kent.

The book has a price of 26.00 euro, has 224 pages and is bound in cardboard, with a 17×26 cm format and colored interiors.


Superman: His in Heaven

Photo: ©Panini Comics

the volume Superman: His in Heaven It is a moving and poetic story that draws fine to the point that the Uomo d’Acciaio is willing to spingersi to save a single life. This book is an odyssey in deep space, but also a journey in the spirit of the greatest super hero of all time. Written by famous author Tom King and with explosive designs by Andy Kubert, “Superman: Su nel cielo” is an extraordinary manifesto for the iconic icon of Action and a perfect entry point for new writers.

The book has a price of 21.00 euro, has 176 pages and is bound in cardboard, with a 17×26 cm format and colored interiors.


all star superman

Photo: ©Panini Comics

all star superman It is a graphic and narrative capolavoro that revisits every aspect of the superhero. Written by the formidable copy Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely, this volume is a great modern riscrittura della vita di Kal-El. During a scattered mission to save the equipment of a spaceship minacciated by the evil Lex Luthor, Superman fell victim to solar radiation, causing a sort of leukemia that lasted a short time to conclude that he was impressed that he sent from Dover compiere. The result is a tour de force of a sweet adventure that rises to the world of Superman in new family mode. “All-Star Superman” is also available in Absolute format, so it will be possible to read the definitive opera sulla vita di Kal-El in the best possible format.

The volume has a price of 30.00 euro, has 304 pages and is bound in cardboard, with a 17×26 cm format and colored interiors.


Superman: Year One

Photo: ©Panini Comics

We pass now to Superman: Year One The volume promises an intense and innovative reading experience and leads the writers to immerse themselves in the revisiting of the origins of Superman, and I will continue his journey from the birth of the planet Krypton until his ascent as the greatest hero of the world. John Romita Jr.’s exceptional graphics and Frank Miller’s sharp and engaging narration make this smoke a must-read for fans of Superman and smoke in general.

Superman: Year One It has a copper price of 26.00 euro and is composed of 208 color pages in the 21.3×27.7 cm format.


Superman: Red Son

Photo: ©Panini Comics

The graphic novel Superman: Red Son by Mark Millar is a bold alternative take on the story of Superman, where the superhero landed in the Ukraine after Smallville and grew up with the ideals of the Soviet populace. The story follows his rise to power and his confrontation with other heroes of the world, including Batman and Wonder Woman, as well as his staunch nemesis, Lex Luthor. This in-carton edition features vibrant designs by Dave Johnson, Kilian Plunkett and Andrew Robinson, and presents unmissable reading for fans of Superman and alternative universities.

The volume has a price of 20.00 euro, has 168 pages and is bound in cardboard, with a 17×26 cm format and colored interiors.


Superman: The Spatial Age

Photo: ©Panini Comics

Superman: The Spatial Age It is a new uscita of the 4 maggio that presents a story involving a young reporter scopre l’imminente distruzione della Terra. Superman, the incredible alter ego of the hero, if he finds himself in Dover and continues with a world that sows determination to destroy, it will be a lot to maintain his good intentions. Gli authori, Mark Russell and coniugi Mike and Laura Allred, set in the story of the ’60s, a crucial decade, and ci showno como l’eroe affronti gli storici e sfidi se stesso in a mundo che esta losing control. The volume is available in cardboard format with color interiors.

Superman: The Spatial Age It has a copper price of 29.00 euro and is composed of 256 colored pages. The volume, cardboard, is proposed in the 17×26 cm format.


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