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Supposedly bears sighted in Vorarlberg

According to two eyewitnesses, two bears were sighted in Gortipohl.

On Wednesday at around 7.30 a.m., two walkers reported to the Gaschurn police station that they had seen two bears in the “Schattenort” area of ​​Gortipohl. Shortly thereafter, the bears disappeared into the dense forest. The Gaschurn Police Inspectorate and the responsible hunting agency then carried out a joint search in the sighting area.

During the search, two footprints of an animal were discovered, which, however, could not be clearly assigned to a bear. At this point in time, the police can neither confirm nor rule out that the footprints are those of a bear.

Bears are rarely encountered in Vorarlberg, but not entirely out of the question. The population is asked to inform the police immediately if they see bears or other wild animals and not to approach the animal.

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