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Surprise demonstration at the initiative of insubordinate France in front of the Renaissance headquarters in Paris

A surprise demonstration against the pension reform took place Sunday evening in front of the Renaissance party headquarters in Paris, at the initiative of La France insoumise.

Flags and pots were invited in front of the Parisian seat of the majority, on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the election of Emmanuel Macron. About fifty La France insoumise activists demonstrated this Sunday evening in front of the Renaissance party headquarters located rue du Rocher in the 8th arrondissement of Paris.

Elected officials, trade unionists, such as CGT Energies officials, or leaders of youth organizations gathered in the evening to chant slogans against the pension reform in the center of the capital, according to our journalists present on place. Fake banknotes were also thrown on the ground in front of the party premises.

“People have not moved on”

“A symbolic, peaceful action”, explains to BFMTV the deputy LFI Thomas Portes, present on the spot, before announcing “a multiplication of this type of action everywhere in France in the coming weeks”.

This surprise demonstration, organized on “the anniversary date of the 6th anniversary of the election of Emmanuel Macron”, aims to remind the majority that “people have not moved on. People are still in the streets , the anger is still massive after three months of mobilization”.

“We have to measure what is happening”, underlines the elected LFI again. “You have about fifty people who are there, mobilized on a Sunday evening, over a three-day weekend to remind this president that the page on pension reform will not be turned until there is withdrawal”.

At our microphone, the elected official of Seine-Saint-Denis also deplores the remarks of the government and the Head of State who have prided themselves since this morning “social conquests” achieved since the election of Emmanuel Macron, six years ago today. He “offers 100 days of appeasement, we are offering him 100 days of social mobilization”, replied Thomas Portes.

Jeanne Bulant BFMTV journalist

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