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Survey: Most Swedish-produced meals in Gnesta and Eskilstuna

According to the project Mattanken, which works with sustainable public meals, it is most possible to serve 78 percent Swedish food on the plate because not all kinds of goods can be produced in Sweden. In Eskilstuna and Gnesta, the figure is 73 percent, which is the highest in the county.

Differences between the municipalities

At the same time, the municipalities’ accounts of the figures differ. For example, Trosa has only stated how much of their animal products are from Sweden: 96 percent.

Nyköping has chosen to report animal products separately. The figure was then 85 percent, while the figure for public meals as a whole was 65 percent – ​​the lowest figure in the county.

Looking at the whole country, the list is topped by Skövde, where nearly 77 percent of the food on the municipality’s public plates is of Swedish origin.

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Hear, among other things, how your old food scraps can give a juicy bread. Photo: Daniel Díaz/SVT
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