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Survey revealed that 7 out of 10 young people would leave the country if they could: the reasons

According to the study, impotence, anger and worry are the most repeated sensations in Argentine youth. What do those over 30 think?

By iProfessional

04/04/2023 – 21,20hs

The economic situation, insecurity, uncertainty and the difficulty to grow financially are just some of the phenomena that cause the emigration of Argentines to other Latin American countries and even more remote regions. Young people are no exception.

In this sense, the Observatory of Applied Social Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires consulted young people between the ages of 18 and 29 about the possibility of moving to another country and the reason for this eventual decision.

Survey reveals that 7 out of 10 young people would leave the country

In the midst of a strong economic crisis, the survey carried out by OPSA indicates that 70% of those consulted (aged between 18 and 29 years) would emigrate to other countries if they had the chance to do so. The data is even more surprising, since Among those over 30, the trend is the same (60% would also leave the country if the opportunity presented itself).

Among the most repeated ideas of those questioned, it appears that “Argentina is not going to get ahead”, “the economic situation” and “insecurity”. In this sense, 8.4 out of 10 young people are concerned about inflation; 7 out of 10, crime; already 65%, corruption. Helplessness, worry and anger were the most repeated sensations among those surveyed.

The aforementioned study included 2,072 young people over 18 years of agenatives of Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, La Plata, Gran Rosario, Gran Córdoba, and Gran Tucumán.

Double the number of people wanting to leave the country than in the 1990s

Almost like the permanent memory of a country promise that was not, Argentina ranked fifth worldwide by the percentage of people who live here but dream of going to another country.

Inflation, insecurity and corruption increase the emigration of Argentines.

The latest data is from the international organization Voices!, and indicates that more than half of the people living in Argentina would emigrate to another destination, given the opportunity and having the corresponding documents and permits. As it was expected, among young people the percentage is higher.

From saying to doing, it is known, there is a long way, and that is why most of the people who profess these desires do not fulfill them later. Specifically, Argentina in a democracy had a strong emigration wave at the end of the 1980s, due to hyperinflation and its devastating effects, and a decade later due to the crisis unleashed in 2001 and its corresponding devaluation of the currency.

At that time, according to the archives released by Voices! and the Argentine Business University (UADE), between 24% and 27% of the population wanted to leave the country. The 2022 survey shows that 54% would.

Argentina, the fifth country with the desire to emigrate

This is the result of a global study of public opinion conducted in 57 countries comprising approximately two-thirds of the world’s population, including Argentina where Voices! conducted the poll. The question aims to measure a possible general predisposition to change country of residence.

36% of the world’s citizens answered affirmatively to the question “If you were given all the necessary papers, would you like to live in another country or would you prefer to stay where you are?”, 59% answered that they would like to stay where they are and 5 % did not answer the question.

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