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Suspicions of feminicide in the Dordogne: the autopsy reveals "regular violence" on to the victim

The victim’s husband is indicted for “murder of spouse”, he denies any involvement in the death. According to our information, he was previously sentenced to 12 years in prison for the rape of one of his children.

Since Tuesday, a 71-year-old man has been indicted and remanded in custody for “murder of a spouse”. The lifeless body of his wife, a 64-year-old woman, was discovered on Christmas morning at their home in Saint-Pierre-d’Eyraud, Dordogne.

According to the results of the autopsy communicated this Wednesday by the prosecution of Périgueux, the sexagenarian was the victim of repeated violence on the part of a third party. Two questions then arise: was the perpetrator of the blows her husband? Did this violence degrade the state of health of the victim to the point of causing his death on December 25?

“Regular violence”

“The autopsy report confirms the presence of multiple traumatic lesions, in particular multiple fractures of the ribs (…) which appear in connection with regular violence inflicted by a third party”, indicates the public prosecutor of Périgueux, Solène Belaouar .

And to add: “The death of the victim does not appear directly linked to a blow in particular, but is linked to asphyxiation which occurred in the context of a very degraded state of health and weakened by the multiple lesions presented. The causal link between these injuries and the death of the victim will therefore be at the heart of the investigations carried out within the framework of the judicial information which is beginning.

Convicted of raping one of his children

The public prosecutor of Périgueux tells us that she has no trace “of any previous complaint or handbook concerning this couple”. The 71-year-old suspect’s criminal record is not clean, however: in 1995, he was sentenced by an assize court to 12 years’ imprisonment for acts of “rape committed by an ascendant”. The man was thus found guilty of incest on one of his children, a minor at the time of the facts, learned from a judicial source.

Regarding the current procedure opened for “spouse murder”, the respondent denies any involvement, reports the local press.

Amber Lepoivre BFMTV journalist

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