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Susy Díaz throws at “Mero loco” and says that “he is buried”: “Nothing happens, it is part of my past”

Susy Díaz recounted that the Eddie Hidalgo, known as the “Crazy Mere” is out of his life, because he “buried” him a long time ago and he does not intend to resume their relationship. In addition, he says that he will spend the Valentine’s Daybecause he has already had to suffer a lot in love.

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“There’s nothing wrong with ‘Mero loco’, it’s part of my past, I already buried it years ago. He keeps talking about me every chance he gets, but he’s wasting his time. If I see him on the street, I greet him, I’m polite… but nothing more,” he said. susy diaz.

And who are you going to spend Valentine’s Day with?

I’ll be working, I’ve been married to the chamba for a long time. Also, I’m going to do the little tree diet, because if you don’t have someone with you, you do it alone. For now I don’t want to have a partner, I don’t want to be suffering, it’s better to live each moment to the fullest.

How are you doing with work?

Thank God my public has not abandoned me, I always have some contracts and I keep going. However, I have many friends and even tenants who have lost their jobs due to the marches and protests and cannot pay my rent.

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He doesn’t forget her. After what susy diaz appear on ‘Magaly TV, the firm’ and say that they would call if I managed to earn $350 on TikTok, the illusion in eddy hidalgo was reborn.

As revealed in an interview conducted by El Popular, the businessman expressed his desire to resume the romance with Florcita Polo’s mother: “I need to talk to her. I want to go back to Susy”.

In addition, he affirmed that the couple that the former vedette loved the most was him: “The only man who loved the most is me, but people gossip about him, they want to take advantage of him.”

El Merco Loco also stated that during the time he was with Susy he did not ask her for anything, since he is a hard-working man: “I live from work. I want to ask him if in the 13 years I have ever taken anything from him like his exes? Everyone has benefited from it.”

Finally, Hidalgo indicated that Susy should not be with men who take advantage of her popularity and that despite the fact that she spoke ill of him, he forgave her.

“I advise you not to hang out with people promoting who take advantage of it. I forgave her, she spoke ill of me. At my age I want peace and quiet.”


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