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SVT’s correspondent: “Copied the storming of the Capitol”

The Brazilian presidential election has been followed by protests from the ex-president’s supporters who did not accept the loss. For several months, they have questioned the election results and incited against the country’s institutions, which they consider to be corrupt and biased.

– Bolsonaro’s right-wing nationalist movement is very much influenced by Trump and has now also copied the storming of the Capitol, says SVT’s correspondent Tigran Feiler.

He considers it surprising that the invasion is only taking place now that Lula da Silva has taken over the presidency.

– One goal could be to destabilize and weaken Lula’s government. But the result may well be the opposite: that the vast majority of Brazilian society ends up behind President Lula and the country’s democratic institutions.

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Watch the anti-government protesters storm the buildings. Photo: Twitter

“Lost control”

The protest movement has previously been compared to the one behind the storming of the Capitol. The protesters are all over Brazil and are financed by businessmen who are close to Bolsonaro. After the election loss, Bolsonaro went underground and before Lula’s takeover, he left the country and flew to the United States. The fact that the opposition is currently without a clear leader may be a reason for what happened, Tigran Feiler believes.

– There are many indications that Bolsonaro has lost control of his political movement. Many of his supporters are also critical of him leaving the country, says Tigran Feiler.

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He has been called Brazil’s answer to Trump. But who really is Jair Bolsonaro? Photo: AP/TT
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