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Sweating or not sweating What is more healthy and how does food influence sweating?

Are you one of the people who sweat a lot over the course of the day or the aroma of sweat is too intense and penetrating? Sweating too much or not sweating, responds to two distinct medical conditions, that is, none of these situations is considered normal.

Sweating is also part of acclimatization, beneficial ways your body adapts to repeated exposure to heat. According to a general description of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), other changes include better blood circulation and greater blood flow.

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How much sweat is normal?

An adult can generate from 0.5 to 1.5 liters of sweat when performing an intense effort for one hour. However, the climate or other factors can interfere, according to MedicineNet.

The sweat glands are found all over the body: the average person usually has between two and four million of them, according to International Society of Hyperhidrosis.

If women have more sweat glands than men, men’s glands tend to be more active and produce more sweat. However, there are people who have hyperactive glands regardless of gender.

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An adult can generate from 0.5 to 1.5 liters of sweat when performing an intense effort for one hour. Photo: Istock

Sweating or not sweating, what is more healthy?


During sweating, a liquid released by the sweat glands is released, which serves as cooling. Like every natural body process, it has benefits. Some of them are:

  • Expulsion of toxins.
  • Elimination of certain viruses and bacteria.
  • Pore ​​cleaning: helps to eliminate pimples and acne.

If you are over 40 years old and have any of these symptoms, you could have a vitamin B12 deficiency

Are you one of the people who sweat a lot over the course of the day or your aroma is too intense and penetrating? This could be due to your food. Photo: Istock

don’t sweat

  • If you don’t sweat or even a single drop of sweat, it could be anhidrosis, a dangerous problem, when retaining sweat the body gets hotter.
  • It could be caused by dehydration, burns, genetic syndromes or trauma to the sweat glands.
  • We recommend taking a cold shower, consuming liquids, staying in a cool environment and not doing heavy exercise.

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If women have more sweat glands than men, men’s glands tend to be more active and produce more sweat. Photo: Istock

How does food influence regulation of sweat?

Making it clear that sweating is a natural function of the organism that helps us to regulate the temperature, we have to bear in mind that if we sweat excessively we can solve it by reviewing what we eat.

Here is the list of the foods that we should avoid, to reduce sweating and the aroma of the same., second national library of medicine:

  • drink less coffee
  • Take less acohol
  • Avoid processed food
  • spicy foods
  • Consume more vegetables and cereals


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