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Sweetie, "terrified" for anti LGTBI hate speech: "Please go vote on 23J"

Sweetie, "terrified" for anti LGTBI hate speech: "Please go vote on 23J"

ANDn Wednesday, June 28, the International day of LGBTI Pride, a day full of demands and reflection where people’s freedom is commemorated so that they can choose who to love and call a halt to discrimination and hatred towards this type of orientation. In SpainObviously, this day is also celebrated, with a weekend full of events and demonstrations.

Madrid is the city where the most important events will take place on the weekend of Pride and these events will not lack the presence of the most important public figures, such as influencers. Aida Domnech, better known as Sweetieis one of them, but in her Instagram stories she has surprised her followers with a not-so-effusive tone.

Dulceida: “These things scare me a lot”

In fact, the Catalan content creator confessed to being “terrified” on their Instagram stories due to the “hate speech“That’s having to do in the last few days regarding Pride day.

“It’s pride month, which seems pretty good to me. There’s still a lot to fight for and claim, unfortunately. But at the same time I can’t stop watching hate speech and things that really terrify me and scare me a lot“The content creator began by saying.

Dulceida: “Please, go vote”

“Unfortunately, everything is becoming politicized, although I believe that rights should not be discussed and they will not have to go with any party because they are part of the freedom of each one. For this reason, I come to remind you that the elections are on July 23 and please, all of you go vote. If you are on vacation or are going to be away, ask to vote by mail, I have already done. Let’s not go back, “Dulceida finished on her Instagram account.

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