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Sysinternals Suite – Comprehensive Windows toolkit

If you want to customize Windows according to your own ideas or repair damage to the operating system, you won’t get far without the right tool. The Sysinternals Suite (04/11/2023) summarizes 60 practical Windows helpers together in one package.

Autoruns: Part of the Sysinternals suite

So popular that Microsoft grabs it

For many Windows users, the Sysinternals software suite is no longer an insider tip. For years, the practical collection of programs has been known to both normal users and real Windows experts as a comprehensive collection of tools for Windows mechanics. No wonder the developers of Sysinternals are now on Microsoft’s payroll.

With the collection, useful helpers such as autoruns end up on the computer. This small program gives a compact overview of which services, applications and handlers become active when Windows starts. Among other things, users also have the option of deactivating individual processes. The Windows on-board tool msconfig also has similar functions – but autoruns is the more user-friendly variant here.

Particularly practical for people with a lack of desktop space: the small program Microsoft Desktops is also included in the Sysinternals Suite, which allows you to use four desktop surfaces at the same time. The multi-desktop function, which Mac OS and Linux users have long appreciated, also ends up on Windows computers. If you ever lose track of this variety of desktops, the small tool ZoomIt with a digital magnifying glass can help.

If you like to keep track of what the operating system is doing in the background, Process Explorer gives you a very precise insight into the processes. The tool draws a much more detailed picture of the current processes than the task manager integrated as standard in Windows. Loaded file types, executed DLLs and their priorities can be monitored and processes can be aborted if desired.

The all-inclusive Windows tool pack

Whether repair work or fine tuning: If you don’t just want to scratch the surface when using Windows, but also want to delve a little deeper into the system, the Sysinternals Suite is the perfect collection for all eventualities. Many of the included tools add useful functions to well-known Windows tools. However, inexperienced users should keep their hands off some of the helpers. In short: The Sysinternals Suite actually belongs in every software collection. The following programs end up on the computer with the Sysinternals Suite: AccessEnum, AccessChk, AdExplorer, AdInsight, AdRestore, Autologon, Autoruns, BgInfo, CacheSet, ClockRes, Contig, Coreinfo, Ctrl2Cap, DebugView, Desktops, Disk2vhd, DiskExt, DiskMon, DiskView, Disk Usage (DU), EFSDump, FindLinks, Handle, Hex2dec, Junction, LDMDump, ListDLLs, LiveKd, LoadOrder, LogonSessions, MoveFile, NTFSInfo, PageDefrag, PendMoves, PipeList, PortMon, ProcDump, Process Explorer, Process Monitor, PsExec, PsFile, PsGetSid , PsInfo, PsPing, PsKill, PsList, PsLoggedOn, PsLogList, PsPasswd, PsService, PsShutdown, PsSuspend, RAMMap, RegDelNull, RegJump, RootkitRevealer, SDelete, ShareEnum, ShellRunas, SigCheck, Streams, Strings, Sync, TCPView, VMMap, VolumeID, WhoIs , WinObj, ZoomIt.

That is new

  • PsExec v2.43: This update of PsExec fixes a regression with the ‘-c’ argument.
  • Sysmon v14.15: This update for Sysmon sets and requires system integrity for ArchiveDirectory (FileDelete and ClipboardChange events). Any existing ArchiveDirectory must first be deleted so that Sysmon can create it with the expected integrity and permissions.
  • TCPView v4.19: This update for TCPView fixes a regression in the manifest configuration of the 32-bit binary version.

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