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Systemic constellations on the archetypes

Archetypes.Life principles.Primal powers of the soul. Gathered in the sacred circle of wholeness and being. Seminar for the start of the circle of the year We look forward to starting on Friday, March 24, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with the warrior archetype.

The warrior represents truthfulness, sincerity, bravery and courage. He starts his fight against the dark again and again. He keeps exceeding his limits. The warrior goes true ways to reach his goal. He gracefully overcomes disappointment, hurt, and hurt, and always gets back up. He fights for the increase of the light. The warrior’s principle of life I go my way sincerely and purposefully. I follow the voice of my heart. I stand up for my values. The primal power of the warrior is sincerity and alignment.

It is a divine grace to start well. It is a greater grace to stay on the path. But the grace of graces is to bow down, and whether broken or weary, to go forward to the goal

Academy WeitBlick – School for the philosophy of life
Mag. Dr. Anja Dreier

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