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Table of positions: Colo Colo adds a point after equalizing against Everton

National ChampionshipComments

Colo Colo only added one point at the Monumental Stadium. The Cacique could not win a match, where the clearest ones were for the Popular team.

© Guillermo SalazarColo Colo wasted an opportunity to get closer to the leader

Colo Colo tied on the fifth date of the National Championship and wasted an opportunity to get closer to the rivals that are at the top of the standings. The Cacique reached seven units.

Those directed, on this occasion, by Walter Lemma they failed to unlock the match against the Ruleteros. Despite dominating the actions and generating chances to reach the second number, the Albos, who played the last minutes with one less after the expulsion of Maximiliano Falcón, only got one point.

With equality, Popular was in seventh place with seven points, the same as Unión La Calera, after four games played. Colo Colo, who has one game less with Huachipato, was five units behind the leader, which is precisely the cast of Talcahuano.

The Eternal Champion will focus on his next challenge, which will be against Coquimbo Unidothat duel will take place at the Monumental Stadium next Sunday, February 26 from 8:30 p.m.

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