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“Tagesschau” breakdown: speaker Judith Rakers shows show qualities

ARD’s “Tagesschau” is considered a serious news program. But there are glitches there too. Speaker Judith Rakers suddenly needed show qualities.

Even in a completely routine news format like the “Tagesschau” on ARD, the moderators have to be prepared for emergencies. News anchor Judith Rakers suddenly had to improvise on Monday morning in the 8 a.m. edition of the “Tagesschau” because the sound stopped.

“I just heard that we have no sound. That’s why I’m going ‘old school’ with this microphone now,” she said and then routinely read the morning’s news. Her lapel microphone stopped transmitting sound. Therefore, it was necessary to switch to an older technology without further ado. Rakers actually got a handheld microphone.

Judith Rakers herself posted the glitch on her Twitter account and took it sporty. Such a glitch makes “interestingly much more awake than coffee,” she wrote.

The moderators of the “ARD morning magazine” also reacted to the sound problem with a joke after the 8 o’clock news. The trio Susan Link, Till Nassif and Peter Großmann also moderated with black hand microphones, laughing. “We declare our full solidarity,” said Till Nassif. In the 8:30 a.m. edition, Rakers was again able to read aloud with a clip-on microphone.

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