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Tahilade ignored the hacking of D’Alessandro and asked the Justice to investigate him for twenty crimes

After being denounced by the Buenos Aires Minister of Security and Justice in use of license Marcelo D’Alessandro, the pro-government national deputy Rodolfo Tailhade today denied any connection with an alleged hacking of the Buenos Aires official’s cell phone and presented a brief.

There Tailhade appeared before the federal courts, at Avenida Comodoro Py 2002, and demanded before the courts that D’Alessandro be investigated for 29 possible criminal acts, from which they emerge from the alleged dialogues on Telegram that were leaked in order to of last month.

“I had no involvement and I don’t have the foggiest idea how those chats were obtained”affirmed Tailhade in the presentation before federal court number 3 of Daniel Rafecas, who was subrogated last week by magistrate María Eugenia Capuchetti, who granted the request of prosecutor Carlos Stornelli to investigate the origin of the leak, in the complaint that Minister D’Alessandro made.

“I had no participation in these events, nor do I have the remotest idea how these chats were obtained. The only thing I can say about it is that on Thursday, December 29, after noon, I received a message on my cell phone from a journalist acquaintance who was asking me if I was aware of the site in question,” Tailhade said in the presentation regarding, where the minister’s conversations with numerous people had been uploaded via Telegram.

In this sense, Tailhade affirmed that he replied to the journalist that he “did not know anything” and proceeded to enter the site and carefully read the new conversations that were leaked. A few minutes later, in his usual column on Tuesdays and Thursdays on the radio program “Cuánto Cuento” on AM 530 radio, he publicly broadcast the chats and, according to what he stated, focused “specifically on one of the talks, that of D’Alessandro with Silvio Robles, General Director of the Vocal Office of the President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Dr. Horacio Rosatti”.

“The whistleblower probably directed his ridiculous accusation against me because I was the first person to talk about this leak in the media. Until the time of my column, no journalist had talked about it. However, I know several journalists who already knew that the site was active at noon on Wednesday 28“continued the Kirchner deputy.

The Justice tries to determine at what time the deputy found out about that leak, since he was the first to announce on December 29, at 1:34 p.m., on the radio of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, “new chats of D’Alessandro”.

To argue that he was not the first to have the chats leaked, Tailhade cited an article from the portal The Dissentin which a chronology was published detailing when D’Alessandro’s alleged chats were uploaded to a website and how they later began to spread through social networks since December 28.

“It is still doubtful that this is a hack, and not someone with access to his cell phone who voluntarily leaked it. On November 5, the news broke that (Diego) Santilli and D’Alessandro denounced in court that their Cell phones had been hacked. D’Alessandro’s last with (Silvio) Robles is from December 1. That is, we have to believe that he reported the hacking of his cell phone, and did not generate any mechanism to protect himself,” Tailhade said.

For this reason Tailhade added: “D’Alessandro did not do what anyone would do after reporting the hacking of his cell phone: change the device, change the passwords, or at least uninstall Telegram and reinstall it. And this can be verified by anyone that you have D’Alessandro among your contacts: on December 5, the message ‘Marcelo D’Alessandro joined Telegram’ appeared, the message that the App sends when a contact reinstalls it”.

Investigation request to Marcelo D’Alessandro

Within the letter, the Kirchnerist deputy requested that “the extraction of testimonies be ordered and the referral for drawing and the subsequent investigation” of 29 crimes. There they appear “illegal intelligence actions”, between the official on leave and the former deputy director of the AFI Silvia Majdalani, for the alleged infiltrations of agents in 2018 in mobilizations of social movements; and the “direction of a tender” for the destruction of vests.

In addition, Tailhade refers to the “arrangement of sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation” by virtue of the fact that “on 11-9-2022 Robles, general director of the council of Horacio Rosatti, president of the Supreme Court, and a frequent contact on D’Alessandro’s Telegram sent the official a link to a news item from the agency Argentine News, titled ‘Judge Rosatti will continue to lead CABA’s claim against Nation for co-participation’, and says: “I hope you get the ‘Robles ruling’ out. D’Alessandro replies: ‘Obviously'”.

At this point, he remarks that “they were talking about a file that is in the Court in which the parties are the National State and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in which the co-participation that CABA should receive is discussed.”

Tailhade also asked to investigate “the settlement of another Court ruling and a judicial strategy” in reference to the fact that on November 15 “Robles passes D’Alessandro ´letter so that you can move it´”.

In another section of the presentation, Tailhade demanded that the Justice investigate the efforts so that they do not apply a probation to the president of one of the companies represented by Marcelo Violante, “which had the controversial concession of hauling” in the city of Buenos Aires . And he also asked that the payment of bribes from Violante to D’Alessandrosince in one of his chats it appears that “Violante tells D’Alessandro that he could not ‘gather everything’, that now he has ’60 greens’ and that he brought ‘Claudio’s 50 that he had not sent you for a while, but he see everything open in the envelopes.’ That is, they refer to the implementation of the payment of a previously agreed bribe,” said the legislator.

Tailhade stated that the crimes committed by the Buenos Aires Minister of Security “they have an unusual institutional gravity, such as the settlement of rulings of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation between its authorities and the political opposition to the national government, even the famous bribes, going through a wide variety of acts of abuse of authority, trafficking of influences, among many others, all of which must be investigated in depth immediately”.

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