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Talant Dujshebaev: "A person’s life is worth more than any title"

Talant Dujshebaev: "A person's life is worth more than any title"

The handball Champions League final between Magdeburg and Kielce was a very tough moment. The 51-year-old Polish journalist pawel kotwica suffered a heart attack while carrying out his work in the stands. An episode that ended with a tragic ending.

Talant DujshebaevKielce coach and Spanish handball legend, experienced it firsthand: “We were winning by two and suddenly there was a boom in the stands. Something had happened to a Polish journalist. Our physio and our doctor quickly went up” recounts. It was minute 48 and his team was beating Magdeburg by two. At that moment, one of the most admirable gestures of sportsmanship in handball and sport in general took place: “We were there and the rival coach approached me to tell me that we would finish the game and that we would be champions. There were 12 minutes left and I told him that his gesture was great” narrates Dujshebaev.

The game could be restarted the Magdeburg went back to the Kielce of Dujshebaev to proclaim himself champion (30-29) after an extension. “A person’s life is worth more than any title” Talant acknowledges. The Spanish handball legend has been training in Poland for 9 years: “It’s been many years now. I’m very pleased and happy with the project”. He shares a team with his two sons, also national team players, Alex and Dani. Asked who he is the best player in the world, he is clear: “They are going to criticize me, but I think it is Alex Dujshebaev“.

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