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Talking in your sleep: This is what it means and this is what you can do

  • who is affected and how often does sleep talk occur?
  • When do we talk in our sleep?
  • Possible reasons
  • You can do it do
  • Conclusion

Perhaps you too have overheard siblings, friends, your partner or your children talking in their sleep. This phenomenon is No rarity. What are the possible causes Therefore?

Facts about talking in your sleep

Sleep talking is considered by professionals to be somniloquia designated. The phenomenon is not uncommon. In your health magazine reports the AOK that about 2 out of 3 people talk in their sleep or at least have done so at some point in their lives. Also other estimates according to talk round 70 percent of all people at least once in their lives while sleeping. However, the number could also be higher, since the talking is usually only noticed by other people present and many people sleep alone.

Talking in your sleep falls into the Category of sleep disordersthat too parasomnias to be named. It is one of the most common parasomnias. Parasomnia occurs primarily during the transition from wakefulness to sleep, and is particularly common children affected. Among other things, sleepwalking or bedwetting are common and well-known parasomnias. However, while the latter mostly disappear, talking during sleep often persists into adolescence. Even in adults talking during sleep still occurs frequently.

In what stage of sleep do people talk in their sleep? Roughly between the so-called REM sleep and non-REM sleep differentiated. The abbreviation REM stands for “rapid eye movement”, i.e. small and fast eye movements with closed lids. Non-REM sleep includes the falling asleep phase, light sleep and deep sleep. Talking while sleeping can both phases of sleep occur. However, most of those affected speak more clearly and in complete sentences in the REM phase. Using video analysis, a French examined research team 132 adults who talked in their sleep. 59 percent were incomprehensible expressions. This includes, for example Mumbling, whispering, laughing and shouting. But not only that: there were also sentences that were grammatically correct and sometimes complex. In addition, the word “no” was used very frequently.

Possible reasons for the somniloquia

In most cases it is the speaker unawarethat he or she spoke in his sleep. The content can also only rarely be remembered. However, every once in a while, talking can wake you up. so far is still unclearwhy people talk in their sleep. The sleep expert Olivia Arezzolo suspects it often with stress related. The stress could either be acute, such as changing jobs, or unconscious. Moreover, Arezzolo believes that a poor sleep hygiene could increase the tendency to sleep talk.

Talking in your sleep is generally valid neither as a health hazard nor as requiring treatment. However, if sleep talking is more common with the person you’re sleeping with, you might as disturbing perceive. In this case, separate bedrooms could be a solution. It could also help to reduce the stress in everyday life to reduce and more on one healthy sleep to respect. With the latter, for example, fixed bedtimes and wake-up times or certain quiet sleep rituals such as reading could help.

If, on the other hand, the somniloquia occurs together with other disturbing behaviors such as sleepwalking or severe teeth grinding, the Consult a doctor for clarification to be visited. Another possible case is that talking in your sleep is part of a so-called REM sleep behavior disorder is. In sufferers, the skeletal muscles do not relax during REM periods as they normally do. Since affected people usually have particularly vivid dreams in which they are motorically active, you can, among other things punches, kicks or screams watch while sleeping. The movements are often amazingly complex. Older people are particularly affected. Since there is a risk that affected people will injure themselves or others, the symptoms should also be discussed with a doctor.


What are the causes of talking in your sleep is so far unexplained. Experts assume that stress and lack of sleep increase the likelihood of somniloquia; so avoiding these factors can help. Normally, however, sleep talking is not hazardous to health and does not need to be treated. However, you should have one Consult a doctor or nurseif you suspect that talking in your sleep could be an indication of REM sleep behavior disorder or it occurs with other parasomnias.

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