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Tango Gameworks dopo Hi-Fi Rush: The team washes up a JRPG, talks about the leaker of Overdose

Mentre non mancano contenuti aggiuntivi per Hi-Fi: Rush, gli sviluppatori di Tango Gameworks Si preparano ad accogliere nuovi talenti e professionisti nei propri studi.

The software house has infatti publicado diversi annunci di lavoro, indicated mainly ad aspiranti animators videoludici. Le schede di presentazione degli incarichi non offrono purtroppo multi indicizi su quella che sara la next produzione del team Bethesda, ma in merito non mancano le indiscrezioni. The person responsible for the dissemination of the video leak of Overdose, the alleged title of the game played by Hideo Kojima on Xbox Cloud, has in particular shared with the public some of his personal theory of him.

In the course of a live, the insider is certain of the fact that the software house is preparing the launch of a subsequent one new IP. After the success of Hi-Fi: Rush The addition of Shinji Mikami to Tango Gameworks, the leaker maintains, did not study it at the time with the intention of concentrating the energy of his production. The Evil Within 3. On the contrary, further exploring the anime style of the action rhythm game, gli autori di Hi-Fi: Rush if starebbero preparing to perform a JRPG.

At the moment, obviously, we invite you to interpret the rumor with due caution: give Tango Gameworks Non sono infatti ancora giunti annuncia sui progetti destinati a Xbox Series X|S e PC.

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