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Tax reduction: more than 9 million households will receive a check from January

Better than a greeting card, it is a surprise transfer, or a check letter – in the event that the administration does not have knowledge of the bank details – that taxpayers will receive, from this Monday, January 16 . Announced under the heading “ADVANCE CREDITIMPOT”, the sum corresponds to 60% of the tax credits and reductions enjoyed to date by more than 9 million households. A reduction which makes it possible to mitigate the costs linked to childcare, accommodation in nursing homes, the employment of an employee at home or even union dues.

This advance, which corresponds on average to 624 euros per household, will obviously be taken into account in the calculation of the annual tax, scheduled for the summer of 2023. Two scenarios will then arise: if the amount of the advance is less than the amount of reductions and credits which the taxpayer is entitled to, he will benefit from an additional payment, up to 40%. If the amount proves to be greater than the expenses linked to these credits and reductions, the advance, paid automatically, must be reimbursed in September 2023. In the form of several direct debits.

The total amount of the operation amounts to 5.6 billion euros for public finances. Its goal is clear, it is to preserve the purchasing power of the French in this period of tension. To find out more, beneficiaries can consult an explanatory document available on their private space, via the website

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