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Teacher stabbed to death near her school

Michoacán.- The teacher Betzabel Ortíz Madrigal, 34, died this Thursday, December 29, the victim of a stabbing attack that occurred on December 13 in the community of Rancho Nuevo, in the Municipality of Degollado, Jalisco.

Madrigal’s state of health was critical since then and she died after 15 days in a hospital in Morelia, Michoacán, where she was transferred for treatment.

The teacher taught fourth, fifth and sixth grade children at the Plan de Ayala Elementary School. That day she was going to her work when she was intercepted by a man on Ruíz Ángel street, who attacked her with a knife on at least 18 occasions, a few meters from her school.

It was the residents of the place who, upon hearing Betzabel’s screams, called 911 to ask for help. When the authorities arrived, the attacker had already fled, but she was bleeding to death on the ground.

The paramedics transferred Betzabel to the Regional Hospital of La Piedad, in Michoacán; 19 kilometers away from where the attack occurred.

However, due to the seriousness of her injuries, she had to be transferred to a specialized clinic in Morelia.

The victim’s relatives and colleagues have blamed her ex-husband, Victor Hugo “M”, for the femicide of the teacher, and demanded that the authorities address the case with a gender perspective.

The alleged suspect, originally from Tabasco, is missing. Like Betzabel, the man worked as a university professor.

The executive committee of section 16 of the National Union of State Workers (SNTE) condemned the femicide of Betzabel and demanded the clarification of the case.

“WE STRONGLY CONDEMN! The crime committed against our partner, WE DEMAND! Its clarification, that it be addressed with a gender perspective and that JUSTICE be sought for it by the COMPETENT AUTHORITIES,” the SNTE said in a statement signed by the Secretary General , Leonel de Jesus Mayorga Anaya.

The Michoacán Prosecutor’s Office reported that it carried out the corresponding actions, while the Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office has already opened an investigation folder for the femicide of the teacher, who is survived by her 11 and 8-year-old children.

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