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Tebboune orders the revision of the solidarity allowance for poor families

The President of the Republic, Supreme Head of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defence, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, is chairing a meeting of the Council of Ministers this Sunday, devoted to examining a draft law which includes specific provisions for obtaining alimony and several presentations relating to the finance sector, indicates a press release from the Presidency of the Republic.

For the Justice and Solidarity sectors, measures for obtaining alimony by divorced women. Tebboune ordered the revision of the bill in order to enrich it further, taking into account the following guidelines:

The alimony fund for divorced women must remain under the supervision and authority of the Ministry of Justice.

The implementation of fund management provisions and measures at the local level is also the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice.

The President of the Republic has ordered the revision of the solidarity allowance for the benefit of destitute families, currently estimated at 3,000 DA, within the framework of the preservation of the dignity of our fellow citizens of all categories and the protection of the power of purchase.

Presentation on the procedures for granting economic land in the private domains of the State intended for investment

– The President of the Republic has ordered the preparation of three draft presidential decrees governing the distribution of economic, tourist and urban land.

– The creation, organization and management of industrial zones must respond to a new vision which attracts investment, including private investment.

– Need to distinguish between economic, tourist and urban investments, managed by land agencies, in order to enshrine transparency and achieve economic efficiency.

– Preparation of a presentation by the Minister of Housing, Urban Planning and the City, before the Council of Ministers, on the prospects of the new city of Boughezoul, in order to begin its urbanization and its optimal exploitation, especially since the project has been soulless since its launch decades ago.

For the digitization of Domains, Taxes and Customs, Tebboune affirmed that the objective of digitization is not only to modernize administrative transactions, but falls under national security and aims to serve the citizen, in particular through the exact definition of State and individual property.

– The establishment, immediately and urgently, of an Algerian database by the Ministry of Finance, in order to facilitate the various services

of the State, the exercise of their functions and the fulfillment of their duties towards their citizens, in the most efficient manner.

– The President of the Republic has instructed the Ministers of Finance and Digitization to materialize the digitization project in the aforementioned sectors, within a maximum of 6 months, as a first phase before the global digitization.

– Resort to the achievement of this vital objective for the State to the best experts, national skills and international design offices.

State of progress of the file related to the opening of the capital of public banks

Tebboune insisted on the principle of transparency to initiate financial reform and adapt to international changes in this sector, a pillar of the national economy.

– Accelerate the process of opening the capital of public banks according to a scientific and skilfully studied method which encourages the change of the old mode of governance, currently based on administration instead of economic efficiency.

To conclude, Abdelmadjid Tebboune insisted on the acceleration of the operation of opening Algerian banks abroad, taking care to complete all the procedures according to a new and effective approach.

– Make up for the delay in the launch of the housing bank by reducing the deadlines set for its entry into service.

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