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Tebboune: “we have no journalists in prison”

The entire meeting that took place between the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune and several media, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, celebrated on Wednesday May 3, 2023, is broadcast on several media public and private during this evening of Saturday, May 6, and during which the Head of State addressed several national and international subjects.

So, the first subject discussed during this interview was obviously the media and freedom of the press in Algeria. In this sense, Abdelmadjid Tebboune affirmed that the classification of Algeria by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is a slander.

The Head of State also insisted, adding that: “the classification of non-governmental organizations is a classification directed by the owners of these organizations, and that the only recognized one is that of the United Nations. Affirming also that the number of newspapers in Algeria is found only in developed countries, and that our country has exceeded the limit of 180 newspapers, in addition to public and private television channels.

Moreover Tebboune affirmed that “we have no journalists in prison”, justifying that those who were condemned to sentences by justice had to receive money from abroad.

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