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Teenage drama in the new official Clone High trailer

20 years ago we got to know the clones of some of history’s most important figures – in animated and hormonal teenage form. We are of course talking about the cult series Clone High which unfortunately was canceled after one season, but which fortunately has returned in a new season which has now received a official trailer.

The new season picks up where the first left off, where the frozen students are thawed to the baffling year 2023 and forced to adapt to all things cancel culture, NFTs and TV reboots. In this season, there will be reversed roles for Abe and Jeanne D’Arc, where instead it will be Abe who falls unhappily in love with his best friend. The series will premiere on HBO Max on May 23, and we expect that something similar will also apply to Sweden. Are you up for more clone drama?

If you haven’t seen the cult phenomenon Clone High, we highly recommend that you do!
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