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Teenager loses testicle inside body | metropolises

A teenager had to undergo emergency surgery after his left testicle dislocated inside his body. The 16-year-old American was on a golf course when he bent down to pick up a ball and felt his organ move inwards.

The unusual incident caused the young man to experience intense pain. Considered “extremely rare”, the case was published in the Urology Case Reports in March 2023.


The medical team was unable to find the testicle through touch tests. Through imaging tests, doctors were able to identify that the organ rose through the body to the intestine.

The male body has cavities to house the testicle, especially in situations of cold, which could lead to male infertility. However, in the case of the young man, a birth defect (patent vaginal process) caused the organ to move much higher than it should.

It is not the first documented case of this type of anatomical condition, but the doctors were surprised by the fact that the testicle was displaced with such a daily activity, when it is more common for this to occur during more intense stretching.

With the patient sedated, the organ was pulled back into place and the opening that allowed the testicle to rise was narrowed so that the problem would not recur. After seven months of medical consultations, the team ensured that the young man was fine and that there was no damage to his reproductive capacity.

“The phenomenon is rare and can happen in young people going through puberty or before this stage of life, but it can be repaired promptly”, stated the doctors, in the case report.

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