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Teenager sentenced after police chase – drove A-tractor at 180 km/h

“The young people in the car have been extremely lucky at several points during the relatively long journey which on several occasions could have resulted in a serious accident”writes the Hälsingland District Court in its judgment.

When the teenager tried to drive away from the police at the end of February, there were six other young people in the car, some unbelted in the trunk.

– Panic almost broke out in the car, prosecutor Fredrik Normark told SVT earlier.

Stopped with nail mat

After nearly seven miles of travel at high speeds, the teenager has said in questioning that it was going at 230 kilometers per hour, the police stopped the a-tractor in Kilafors with the help of a nail mat.

The teenager says he panicked. One of the passengers pulled the handbrake but the teenager continued to drive anyway.

The district court sentences him for illegal driving because the a-tractor was converted into a passenger car, gross negligence in traffic and violation of the Knife Act when a knife was in the car.

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