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Tekken 8: the character of Lili presented in a nervous trailer

Made official a few months ago via a very attractive trailer, Tekken 8 will be released in the coming months with a nice bestiary of characters.

Meet Lili!

In order to continually fuel communication around the game, the developers have just shared a new video presenting the character of Lili. Particularly gifted in gymnastics, she uses many acrobatics, pirouettes and other somersaults to attack her opponents. Thus, she can inflict serious damage at a reasonable distance, and can therefore prove to be a real threat to all her opponents.

Since the announcement of the project, many more playable characters have been made official and introduced. We can notably mention Asuka Kazama, Leroy Smith, Ling Xiaoyu, Jack-8, Jun Kazama, Jin Kazama, Lars Alexandersson, King, Marshall Law, Paul Phoenix or even Kazuya Mishima. Of course, other heroes should be unveiled in the coming months and give players even more possibilities and freedom.

As a reminder, Tekken 8 is planned for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S only. According to the statements of Bandai Namco, the game should be released before April 2024, so we are entitled to hope for marketing this year. Katsuhiro Harada, the game director and main producer of the franchise, has similarly confirmed that the software will be cross-play, with the possibility of facing players present on other platforms.

In addition, it is hoped that the developers will offer a beta phase in order to be able to familiarize themselves with the gameplay and the different characters beforehand.

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