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Tension with Russia: US deploys fighter-bombers in the Middle East

WASHINGTON – The United States has deployed F-22 Raptors fighter-bombers, one of the world’s most sophisticated fighter jets, to the Middle East amid tension with Russia in the region.

The US Central Command, whose area of ​​operation is the Middle East, Central Asia and parts of South Asia, reported in a statement that it has carried out this deployment due to “unsafe and unprofessional behavior of Russian aviation” in the area. .

The F-22 Raptors, which the US military describes as the best fifth-generation combat aircraft, will be integrated into ground and area coalition forces present in the region.

Centcom’s commander, General Michael “Erik” Kurilla,” noted in the note that Russia’s “regular violation” of measures to de-escalate airspace “increases the risk of escalation and miscalculation.” .

“Together with our partners and allies,” he continued, “we are committed to improving security and stability in the region.”

The F-22s come from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, specifically from the 94th Fighter Squadron.

Last March, US Lieutenant General Alexus Grynkewich told NBC News television that Russian armed fighters had flown over the Al Tanf base in eastern Syria on 25 occasions during that month, where there are US military units.

With this action, Russia would have violated an agreement reached with the US four years ago to avoid an escalation and by which they established rules to manage in Syrian airspace, in such a way that both parties agreed that they would not fly over each other’s positions. .

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